结合面簿分享、面簿“赞”、推特分享、Google +分享、微博分享的总数,合计后得分最高分者即获选为“网络人气奖”。“网络人气奖”分成金、银、铜奖,由网友选出,得奖作品有可能来自同一参赛组别。投票截止日期为2015年3月31日中午12点。
Most Popular Micro Film (Gold, Silver and Bronze) are awarded based on the total number of likes and shares on Facebook, Twitter shares, Google + and weibo shares. Top 3 micro films with the highest total scores will be awarded. Categories may include multiple Gold, Silver or Bronze winners depending on relative scoring.The voting will be ended on 31 March 2013, 12pm.
Only one Best Director Award will be given out in “My Singapore Story” Micro Film Competition.
Judging criteria:
Only one Best Actor/ Actress in a Leading Role Award will be given out.
Judging criteria: