




公开组 — 开放给新加坡籍或居住在新加坡的人士,参赛者年龄需至少13岁或以上。
学生组 — 在新加坡念书的在籍、全职或兼职学生,参赛者年龄需至少13岁或以上;学生组只开放给新加坡籍或在新加坡求学的学生。









我们接受的作品格式为mp4 / .mov / .avi / .wmv, codec: Prores, DV PAL, H264。微电影规格需为16:9——1280x 720 或 640 X 360。请注意,作品长度必须介于30秒至10分钟之间,作品大小不可超过30MB。

若作品通过初审阶段, 参赛者须把高解晰度(High Resolution)的作品经挂号信寄送或亲自送交至:

“My Singapore Future” Micro Film Competition

Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations
397大巴窑2巷 新加坡邮区319639







您可以电邮 microfilmsg@gmail.com 来更改或更新您的资料。另外,在评审尚未还评分前,您仍可以更改自己的参赛组别。





如果您有其他问题,欢迎您电邮 nashgoh@sfcca.sg 或拨电至(65) 6643 6484 询问。


"My Singapore Future" Micro Film Competition (hereinafter referred to as "the competition") seeks to encourage all participants to express their hopes and wishes for Singapore’s future through their lenses.

The competition is open to all nationalities aged 13 and above on the date of entry.

By registering you will receive latest updates on competition and invited to attend sharing session and free workshops.

Yes, we had organised various entry level workshops.

The competition has two categories:

Open Category– Open to all Singaporeans and people residing in Singapore, aged 13 years old and above.

Student Category – aged 13 years old and above, open to both full time and part-time. Student category are open to all Singaporeans and people residing in Singapore ONLY.

There can be overlap in some of the categories and it is up to the entrant to choose which is the most appropriate. The competition’s committees reserves the right to move entries to other categories if it is clearly appropriate to do so.

"My Singapore Future" Micro Film Competition accepts all film genres including story film, documentary film, animation etc.

Submission date is from 1 August to 15 December 2016.

Please click here to view the awards and prizes.

Yes, There is no restriction on the number of submission. Entrants may enter multiple categories. But only one prize is awarded for each entry and to each individual or team.

By registering you will receive the latest competition updates and you shall be invited to attend sharing sessions and free workshops. Micro film "submission" is the only way to be considered for entry into the competition.

Fill up the submission form with all valid particulars together with your micro film.

No. All submission must be done online.

Acceptable film formats are .mp4 / .mov / .avi / .wmv. File dimension must be 16:9 widescreen format - 1280x 720 or 640 X 360. **Please note that all entries should be between 30 seconds to ten (10) minute, and should not exceed 30MB.

If your entry passed the preliminary round of adjudication, contestants must submit high-resolution versions of their entries. The Film must be sent by Registered Mail or sent by hand to:

“My Singapore Future” Micro Film Competition

Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations
397, Lorong 2, Toa Payoh,
Singapore 319639

Entries shall not be deemed to have been received by the Organisers unless you are able to produce proof of receipt by the Organisers.

Minimum running time is 30 seconds and shall not be exceeding 10 minutes. Please note the size of micro film should not exceed 30 MB.

All entry must insert "My Singapore Future" Micro Film logo at the end of clip [Click here to download]

No. Only micro film that has not been distributed, aired or entered in another competition may enter "My Singapore Future" Micro Film Competition.

The entry should be original and not previously published.

You will receive an email after your entry is successful. Please note that ONLY selected videos will be uploaded to official website.

You may change or update your information by emailing us at microfilmsg@gmail.com. You may also change your competition category so long as your entry has not been review by judges.

Whoever is going to be the sole contact and is easily reach by phone and email.

Our jury members are comprised of a wide spectrum of professional in the film industry. Click here to view their profile

Click here to view the judging criteria.

Withdraw from competition is not allowed.

Submission of entry automatically transfers all rights to "My Singapore Future" Micro Film Competition organizing committee, SFCCA, SCCC and Zaobao.com. By submitting entry to the competition, each entry expressly grants permission to use their name, likeness, hometown, etc.

If you have further questions, you may email us at nashgoh@sfcca.sg or call us at (65) 6643 6484 .

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