微电影制作—初学者小贴士 (看英文版本)



  1. 先观赏其他的微电影,熟悉一般微电影的叙事结构及制作规模。
  2. 研究经典的三幕剧结构 :
    • 铺陈:介绍人物、环境
    • 冲突:人物碰到一系列冲突或障碍
    • 和解: 经过挣扎后获得的和解

  3. 避免过于煽情的剧情或对白,设计有趣的人物 。
  4. 剧情应该合乎情理,但又在意料之外。
  5. 每句对白都应达到以下作用
    • 显露人物个性或特点
    •  将剧情往前推进

  6. 电影应以视觉为主,不要过于依赖对白。




  1. 制片: 制作队的大家长、负责安排及经营整个制作
  2. 导演: 影片的艺术总指挥、演员的导师
  3. 摄影师: 负责摄影、灯光。
  4. 录音师: 负责现场收音
  5. 美术设计: 负责设计整部片子的视觉风格,包括场景设计、道具、服装、发型、等
  6. 剪辑师: 负责影片的后期制作



  1. 拍摄每一个镜头前记得检查焦点(F完成ocus)、白平衡(White Balance)。
  2. 不要过度使用焦距功能(Zoom),或无故摆动镜头。使用每一个效果都应该有原因。
  3. 正如画家在作画前会先考虑构图,拍摄每一个镜头前也应该仔细考虑画面的构图
  4. 选择适当年龄和外貌的演员。
  5. 选择适当的服装、发型、场景、道具等
  6. 清楚、干净的录音非常重要。
  7. 避免连续性的错误。



  1. 选择在动作中剪接(cutting on action)可让动作看起来更加顺畅。
  2. 避免使用花俏的转场效果(transitional effects)。
  3. 遵守“180度规则”(180 degree rule)、银幕方向及其他帮助维持时空连续性的规则。
  4. 对话时使用反应镜头(reaction shots)能使对白戏看起来更有趣生动。
  5. 选择适当的音乐以配合戏的气氛、节奏、文化背景等。
  6. 在适当的地方加上适当的音效可使整个声音设计更丰富。
  7. 华语对白应该加上英文字幕;英语对白应该加上华文字幕。
  8. 输出前检查是否选择正确设定。
  9. 输出后完整看一遍,检查是否有技术问题。



Microfilm Production - Tips for Beginners
*Prepared by Ong Chao Hong, Ngee Ann Polytechnic Associate Lecturer

First mission: A script

  1. Study other microfilms to get a sense of the story structure and production scale.
  2. Study the 3-act structure:
    • Setup: introduce characters and setting
    • Confrontation: a series of obstacles or challenges the character faces
    • Resolution: The problem is resolved after a series of struggles

  3. Avoid being overly melodramatic and avoid stereotype characters.
  4. Keep the plot within reason but beyond expectations.
  5. Keep dialogue economical. Every line should either:
    • reveal something about the character and/or
    • move the plot forward.

  6. Keep the film visual and don’t rely too much on talking heads.



  1. Form your crew. A basic film crew might include:
    1. Producer: Organizes and manages the production
    2. Director: the “artistic director” of the film; proviides guidance to actors.
    3. Director of Photography: In charge of the camera and lights.
    4. Sound Recordist: Records sound on set.
    5. Production Designer: designs the overall visual style, source for props and costumes, dresses the set, oversees makeup and hairstyle
    6. Editor: manages the postproduction of the film.



  1. Always check your focus and set your white balance.
  2. Do not overuse zooms and camera movement. Know why you are using a specific effect before using it.
  3. Compose each shot as a painter would compose a painting.
  4. Casting is important. Choose actors of the appropriate age for each character.
  5. Choose appropriate props, costumes, hairstyle, set dressing, etc.
  6. Good, clean sound is important.
  7. Avoid continuity mistakes.



  1. Consider “cutting on action” to make sequences flow more smoothly.
  2. Avoid fancy transitional effects. Again, know why you are using a specific effect before using it.
  3. Observe the 180 degree rule, screen direction and other continuity rules.
  4. Reaction shots during dialogue scenes make the scene more interesting and dynamic.
  5. Select appropriate music to suit the mood, pace, cultural flavor of the scene.
  6. Consider adding appropriate sound effects to enrich the sound design.
  7. Add English subtitles if your film was in Mandarin and Chinese subtitles if your film was in English.
  8. Ensure you have the right export settings before exporting.
  9. Watch through your film after exporting to ensure that there are no glitches.

Ong Chao Hong: I believe there are no definite rules in filmmaking and certainly no right or wrong way. You don’t have to follow everything I say, or agree with everything I say. What's more important is that you believe in your own choices. Nobody ever said that an overexposed shot is "wrong", but you have to be prepared to explain why you chose to use an overexposed shot. You are the artist. You have the choice of expression. Make the choices wisely!

新加坡是你土生土长、还是落地生根的地方?这块岛屿是你和家人的全部记忆,还是让你情有独钟、流连忘返?让我们拿起摄像机、手机,以微电影来纪录对这块土地的情感。无论是成长记忆、生活点滴,还是浪漫情事、动人篇章,只要和这块土地有关,都是 “我的新加坡故事”。


"My Singapore Story" Micro Film Competition
Are you born and raised here, or is Singapore the adopted home you came to love? Does this tiny island hold the memories of you and your family? Do you find yourself dreaming of Singapore while you are overseas? Capture these stories through your camera, mobile phone or other recording devices, and commemorate Singapore’s Golden Jubilee with us!

Cash Prizes & Trophy Microfilm Production Tips for Beginners, Sharing Session 分享会+工作坊 Sharing Session + Workshops The Judges 评审团