Sang Merlion

A grandmother is taking care of three boys playing at the playground. The boys will usually play with their nerf gun game. While they were playing, one of the boys fell down and didn’t want to continue. The grandmother then tells a legendary tale of how Singapura was originally found. Sang Nila Utama was the original founder of Singapore. In the story, Sang Nila Utama came upon an island and decides to venture in. While he was venturing into the island of Temasek/Singapore, he was stopped by the villages who told him he has to win various games to venture deeper. The games were marbles and congkak. He won both games and they were amazed by him. Suddenly a lion appears and roared loudly at them. Sang Nila Utama then named the island Singapura. “Singa” means “lion” and “Pura” means “town”. The storytelling ended and they returned home.

Name of Participant: Chan Wei Hung Marvin 陈炜翰, Muhammad Haritz Bin Mohd Jasni, Mohamed Taufiq Bin Mohd Fauzi, Myra Insyirah Binte Roselee
Name of Director: Mohammad Haritz Bin Mohd Jasni
Leading Actor Name: Chia Chin Zi 谢进智, Serene Lee Sook Yee 李淑仪, Mohammed Naufal, Mohammad Izzali
Film Genre: Story Film

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新加坡是你土生土长、还是落地生根的地方?这块岛屿是你和家人的全部记忆,还是让你情有独钟、流连忘返?让我们拿起摄像机、手机,以微电影来纪录对这块土地的情感。无论是成长记忆、生活点滴,还是浪漫情事、动人篇章,只要和这块土地有关,都是 “我的新加坡故事”。


"My Singapore Story" Micro Film Competition
Are you born and raised here, or is Singapore the adopted home you came to love? Does this tiny island hold the memories of you and your family? Do you find yourself dreaming of Singapore while you are overseas? Capture these stories through your camera, mobile phone or other recording devices, and commemorate Singapore’s Golden Jubilee with us!

Cash Prizes & Trophy Microfilm Production Tips for Beginners, Sharing Session 分享会+工作坊 Sharing Session + Workshops The Judges 评审团