
The contest has been ended! Total number of likes and shares reflected are final count as on 31 March 2015 at 12pm.
**All Entries to “My Singapore Story” Micro Film Competition must be motion pictures or screenplays which are original, undistributed works produced written and/or directed by the submitting filmmakers.

心.旅行 Way to Love

活泼可爱的嘉颖一直以来都有个梦想:到国外念法律。不善于表达自己内心想法的志轩在毕业后去服兵役了。因一张录学通知书的出现,原本甜甜的一段青涩的爱情开始变了。情侣吵架、女孩流泪、男生气馁,这一切展开来。最终,嘉颖搭上飞机出国了。争吵使爱情磨练,让人成熟。他们懂了。究竟他们的缘分会继续下去,还是就此结束? Fun-loving and curious about life, Jia Ying has a keen interest for Business Law ever since her polytechnic years. Having bred in a well-to-do family, she wants to pursue her interest globally. No matter it is in school or after graduation, Jia Ying and Zhi Xuan are the other half to each other. Zhi Xuan thought Jia Ying would stand by him forever, when he serves his National Service as a duty of a citizen. Things came to a turn when Jia Ying was accepted into the University of her hope. Will their paths continue to cross or divert? 提交者:黄思敏 Jasmine Wong、黄琬霓 Ng Wan Ni、吴慧韵 Cecilia Ng、杜晓馨 Du Xiao Xin、梁居磊Leo Kee Luei 导演:吴慧韵 Cecilia Ng 主角:陈韵嫔 Tan Yun Pin、张家扬 Cheong Kah Yiong 电影类型:故事片 Story Film


Our Singapore Story 我们的新加坡故事

Ah Xian encounters an old friend in a coffeeshop. Follow him on a trip down memory lane as he recalls his younger days in the 1990s. Places such as the 'Dragon Head' playground are bound to evoke pleasant memories of many others. Name of Participant: Ho Hol Yarn 何浩仁 Name of Director: Poh Zi Yang 傅子阳 Leading Actor Name: Heng Aik Chong 王奕聪, Ho Hol Yin 何浩贤 Film Genre: Story Film


Singapore: The Story We Made It To Be

This short film explains the real life story of Mr. Law. It is depicted in an interesting manner of 'Draw my Life' as he tells the story to a young brother and sister. It then continues with the younger brother asking questions regarding Singapore. The film then shows interviews with a variety of people. It then concludes by tying everything together. The interviewees gave the young boy card piece which then leads to the main theme. Watch more to find out. Name of Participant: Cristal Ang Hui Xuan, Syaza Nisrina Name of Director: Cristal Ang Hui Xuan, Syaza Nisrina Leading Actor Name: NA Film Genre: Story and Interviews



白清泉老先生一生的历程。当年南下移民到新加坡,因南洋总会陈嘉庚先生招募技工而回返中国抗日,八年战争结束后回到侨居地。为了谋生他在新加坡创业,能吃苦耐劳白手起家, 随着社会的进步而不断努力求新求变。他一生踏实努力奋斗,尽国民责任走完他的一生。 这可让世人知道没有以前先辈努力创业的历程,也不会有现在的成就。 提交者:邓子晴 Tang Zi Qing 导演:邓子晴 Tang Zi Qing 主角:白玉萍 Pek Yuh Ping、杨福枝 Yeoh Hock Kee 电影类型:纪录片 Documentary film


My Singapore Story

It is a conversation between two generations trying to share their Singapore story. Even if there is a huge generation gap, they can connect with each other through their stories. 提交者:王蓉 Tracy Ong Rong、张绮恩 Keifa Teo 导演:王蓉 Tracy Ong Rong 主角:Eudora Yeow, Kan Poh Ling 电影类型:故事片 Story Film


心的迁移 Heart Immigration

我23岁踏上新加坡,如今19年。看着新加坡的日益进步,不得不发出赞叹。一个有为的政府,带给他的人民安家立命的希望。新加坡是化无为有的地方!祝福新加坡生日快乐!愿新加坡百年后依旧繁荣,不改初衷。 提交者:郭韵玟 Kuo Yun Wen 导演:郭韵玟 Kuo Yun Wen 主角:张詠瑷 Esther Chang、张永湶 Isaiah Chang 电影类型:纪录片 Documentary film


我的童年时光 My Childhood Pastime

我们错过了很多上一代所经历过的简单有趣童年。沉浸网络媒体的我们几乎忘了我们过去的童年和游戏。虽然游戏很多,但我们将过去常玩的一些游戏录制进这部短片。通过Louis眼里的游戏和童年的转变,而这就是过去如何引导我们通往未来的路。 We have missed out a lot of simple pleasure and simple fun pastimes that our previous generation has experienced. We are so immersed in the current internet media that we almost forgotten how we spent our childhood and the games that we used to play. Of course there are many games, but some of the most played are the ones we portrayed in this short story. The games and pastimes evolved through the eyes of Louis and this is how the past lead us to the future. 提交者:Tan Cha Min 导演:Louis Ngu Ming Chung 主角:Louis Ngu Ming Chung, Neoh Shan Ray 电影类型:故事片 Story Film


The Shop Downstairs

Since Singapore is a fast growing country, there are more convenience stores like Cheers, 7-eleven being established and because of this, provision shop getting lesser by the day. Through this video, I want to share the memories of what we have of the past. Name of Participant:Muhammad Adisatrya bin Johari, Muhammad Fitri bin Hassan Name of Director:Muhammad Adisatrya bin Johari Leading Actor Name :NIL Film Genre :Documentary film


阿嬷拍电影 Ah Ma Making Movie

三位热爱摄影的阿嬷,上了一堂微电影讲座后,萌生制作短片的念头,还想籍此参加首届《我的新加坡故事》微电影大赛。阿嬷拍电影?可能吗?究竟,她们能否如愿以偿?过程中有会遇到些什么问题? Three senior citizens who love photography, decide to produce a short film on their microfilm learning journey, and take part in the “My Singapore Story” Micro Film Competition. Will they be able to make it? What difficulties will they face? 提交者: Kathy U, Vivien Goh, Ester Low 导演:Kathy U, Vivien Goh, Ester Low 主角:方美蓉, 梁毓娟, Joyce Lee 电影类型:故事片 Story Film


永夏 Endless Summer

我叫李响,在新加坡读完博士,出去gap year了五年,重又回到新加坡工作,偶遇了从前喜欢的“她”,并且重新思考了自己一直以来想要做导演的梦想。后来她申请到了NYU的电影学院,离开了新加坡。我在伤感之余猛然发现,也许这个她从来都不曾存在,也许她只是自己梦想的载体......最终我选择了与相亲认识的Summer走到一起。 提交者:王玥 Wang Yue 导演:王玥 Wang Yue 主角:任悦 Ren Yue、任琪 Ren Qi、丁玲子 Isabel 电影类型:故事片 Story Film



线上关系。 提交者:郑歆颖 Tee Xin Ying 导演:陈诗吟 Chen Shiyin Shirley 主角:张裕达, 王沐饮 电影类型:故事片


组屋楼下的童年 Our HDB Childhood Memory

无论是以前还是现在,组屋楼下的游乐场都是孩子们的快乐天堂。时代虽然不同了,快乐却依旧可以一样简单。 提交者:冯咪咪 Pang Mee Mee 导演:冯咪咪 Pang Mee Mee 主角:甘乐毅Kam Le Yi Ethan、甘乐翾Kam Le Xuan Shane、甘如饴Kam Ru Yi Mia 电影类型:小品


Funny Day

2013年,略略来到了新加坡,作为一名国际学生,漂洋过海,新加坡成为他的第二个家,和很多国际学生一样,略略逐渐地融入了这个城市,有了属于他的故事。(此片通过梦境来展示很多类似于略略这样的国际学生的新加坡故事。) 提交者:郑高毅 Zheng GaoYi、颜锐聪 Yan RuiCong 导演:郑高毅 Zheng GaoYi、颜锐聪 Yan RuiCong 主角:苏东略 Su DongLue 电影类型:故事片 Story Film


Choice 抉择

Tom was suddenly dismissed from his company and he is allowed to stay in Singapore for 14 days after his Employment Pass is cancelled. During that 14 days, he struggle to find a job in Singapore. Will he be able to stay in Singapore? 在一次经济危机中,Tom 失业了, 他在新加坡只剩下14 天合法逗留时间,他需要有工作才能留下来,在这短短的14天内, 他能否找到新的工作?他为什么又想要留下来呢? Name of Participant:Michelle Tan Li Peng Name of Director:Angela Kok Leading Actor Name :Tom Song Film Genre :Story Film


纹生 Inked

The documentary begins with Jaws, the resident tattoo artist cum co-owner of one of Singapore's pioneer tattoo studio, Johnny Two Thumb Tattoo Studio. Just as every other day, he is seen working intensely to produce the best art on his customers. He holds a special affinity with colours, which sets him apart from his fellow colleagues and made him a popular choice amongst the tattoo community. An appointment with Jaws would take more than a week of waiting time due to his packed schedule. Customers often request for Jaws to ink for them, as they are fond of his outgoing and friendly personality. After an exhausting day of work, Jaws would return to his home in the East Coast. 42-year-old Jaws have a wife and two daughters. Spending time with his family is the highlight of his day; Especially enjoy time spent with his daughters as he believe that it is the most relaxing activity in his busy life. Name of Participant:张玮恬 Alicia Chong、Zhang Yaqi 张雅琪、Vivian Hayden 阙孝芳、Yang Fuyu 杨馥宇 Name of Director:Alicia Chong 张玮恬 Leading Actor Name :Jaws Tat Film Genre :Documentary film


My Story

The aviculture in Singapore is getting less popular to the next generation. As the generation do not know the interest in aviculture. Therefore, lesser place to have a bird singing site in Singapore. Which is a memories of Singapore that is going to disintegrate. Hence, showing a short documentary about aviculture to create awareness to the generation.To treasure the memories for the next generation. Name of Participant:Goh Lit Han, Marcus Lim, Koh Shu Hui, Ong Xin Ying Name of Director:Koh Shu Hui Leading Actor Name :Micheal Yeo Film Genre :Documentary film



Zoetic reflects the culture of shoe repair is slowly waning just like our aging folks. 提交者:Angeline Tay Min Xian, Gwendolyn Koh Ling Yan , San Thiri 导演:Angeline Tay Min Xian 主角:李再进, 郭清宝 电影类型:Documentary Film 纪录片


波斯陶路 Portsdown Road

特色一条街之波斯陶路。 提交者: 林凱韵 Lim Kai Yun 导演:曾慧仪 Chiang Hui Yee 主角:NA 电影类型:纪录片



特色一条街之达士顿山。 提交者:麦凤芝 Mak Feng Zhi Michelle 导演:麦凤芝 Mak Feng Zhi Michelle 主角:NA 电影类型:纪录片


走过历史 Walk by History

俊霖,在写一篇关于新加坡历史的论文的当儿,睡着了。在梦里,一位在莱佛士时期的渔夫和余东璇时期的戏子,对他讲些有关新加坡河,莱佛士,大华戏院和余东璇的事。 俊霖醒来后,回顾历史。虽然新加坡是个小国,也没有悠长的历史,但新加坡带给每个新加坡人很多难忘,温馨的回忆。他对身为新加坡人而感到骄傲,幸福。 Jave, a undergrad, fell asleep while writing a thesis on Singapore history. He dream of a fisherman and a opera singer during Stamford Raffles and Eu Tong Sen era respectively, came to him and tell him about Singapore River, Stamford Raffles, Majestic Theatre and Eu Tong Sen. When Jave wake up, looking back at history. Even though Singapore is a small country and without a long history, Singapore has given every Singaporean many memorable memories. He feels proud and blessed to be a Singaporean. 提交者:谢慧敏 Jaime Chia Hui Miang 导演:谢慧敏 Jaime Chia Hui Miang 主角:吴运凯 Gim Goh、陈俊霖 Jave Tan 电影类型:故事片 Story Film


新加坡是你土生土长、还是落地生根的地方?这块岛屿是你和家人的全部记忆,还是让你情有独钟、流连忘返?让我们拿起摄像机、手机,以微电影来纪录对这块土地的情感。无论是成长记忆、生活点滴,还是浪漫情事、动人篇章,只要和这块土地有关,都是 “我的新加坡故事”。


"My Singapore Story" Micro Film Competition
Are you born and raised here, or is Singapore the adopted home you came to love? Does this tiny island hold the memories of you and your family? Do you find yourself dreaming of Singapore while you are overseas? Capture these stories through your camera, mobile phone or other recording devices, and commemorate Singapore’s Golden Jubilee with us!

Cash Prizes & Trophy Microfilm Production Tips for Beginners, Sharing Session 分享会+工作坊 Sharing Session + Workshops The Judges 评审团